I got to talk about PTSD and The Rage Less Traveled on LBC Radio
For years I have been trying to get on British National TV and radio, and just as I was getting out the car to speak at my book launch, my friend Brian of London called to say that on @LBC they were talking about PTSD.
I called in and to my astonishment I got through. Although I was a bit unfocused, I managed to say all the important points such as why Kristine was murdered and how the UK government are funding terrorism.
When I was off air, the host said it was the most extraordinary story he has heard since he has been on LBC. He even went on to read from my website. He didn’t mince his words or cover the truth. Many thanks to LBC and especially the presenter Ian Payne, who was not only the nicest of interviewers, he made it easy for me.