I’m thrilled to announce The Rage Less Traveled has just been released on Audible and iTunes. I decided to read it myself, because it is only me who knows how deeply this attack affected me. No one else can get in my head. It wasn’t easy because it brought everything very close again, but I think the results are even better than I expected. If you’re the kind of person who is too busy to read, now you can at least “read” the book while jogging, driving, cooking, or walking the dogs. Enjoy.

If you already have a subscription to Audible, you can search for the book and take it as your next read!
If you want to join Audible free for 30 days and start listening to my book. Even if you cancel, you get to keep your first book. Use the following links:
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The book is also available from iTunes at this link.
And please leave reviews and feedback on those sites!